Phone: 860-951-6614
CSEA SEIU Local 2001
Family Childcare Providers


We have noticed many discrepancies between our records and OEC's records.
Please fill out this form.  This will allow us to better communicate with you.  The union takes your personal information seriously and will not sell or distribute your information to any third party vendor or company.  First name, last name, and Provider Identification (PID) fields are mandatory to ensure you are a member.

Hemos notado muchas discrepancias entre nuestros registros y los registros de OEC.
Por favor complete este formulario. Esto nos permitirá comunicarnos mejor con usted. El sindicato toma en serio su información personal y no venderá ni distribuirá su información a ningún proveedor o empresa de terceros. Nombre, apellido e identificación del proveedor (PID) son obligatorios para asegurarse de que es miembro.

Contact the Child Care Union
Póngase en contacto con la Unión de Cuidado Infantil


We are Connecticut family child care providers, united in CSEA-SEIU Local 2001, the Child Care Union. In December 2011, providers who participate in Care4Kids voted by 95% to have a union. We then set about winning our groundbreaking contract which provided for the first raise in 13 years!  Our contract also has a process for resolving disputes with Care 4 Kids and it is packed with professional development opportunities, bonuses for achieving quality benchmarks and help to get you there.


We are represented by the Family Child Care Council whose officers were elected from five different regions around Connecticut.  Meetings are held almost every month and are open to members from any town.


Licensed and unlicensed family child care providers who receive payment from Care4Kids must join CSEA SEIU Local 2001. We have the greatest impact when the majority of providers join and actively support our goals of improving Care4Kids rates, reducing payment issues, and gaining broader access to training.

If you are not yet a member, join HERE.

Los proveedores de cuidado infantil familiares con licencia y sin licencia que reciben pago de Care4Kids deben unirse a CSEA SEIU Local 2001. Tenemos el mayor impacto cuando la mayoría de los proveedores se unen y apoyan activamente nuestros objetivos de mejorar las tarifas de Care4Kids, reducir los problemas de pago y obtener un acceso más amplio a la capacitación.

Si aún no eres miembro, únete aquí.

Learn more about joining our union HERE!
Aprende más sobre cómo unirte a nuestro sindicato AQUÍ!

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In addition to raises and bonuses that you have received as a Care-4-Kids Provider, the links below will connect you to free professional development workshops and credit-bearing college classes.
What have we as family child care providers gained since forming a union? Family child care providers have won higher payment rates in the Care 4 Kids (C4K) program for the four years, a fund for professional development, and monetary recognition for those of us with a CDA and/or NAFCC accreditation.  We also have a seat on the Governor’s Early Childhood Cabinet.

Page Last Updated: Apr 18, 2024 (21:17:00)
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