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CSEA SEIU Local 2001
Council 400 Blog Aug 16, 2023
Council 400 Celebrates 88th Social Security Birthday!
by Drew Stoner

The CSEA Union Hall was buzzing with energy as we came together to celebrate Social Security's 88th birthday. It was an event to remember, with big names like Senator Richard Blumenthal and Congressman John Larson in attendance. The vibes were positive and the purpose clear – to honor the past and set the stage for a brighter future for Social Security. Council 400 President Mike O'Brien and our spirited CSEA activist Bette Marafino, ARA President, both stood up and underlined the importance of Social Security for folks of all ages.

But the real star of the show was the Social Security 2100 Act. This game-changing legislation is all about making Social Security even stronger, and that's something we all stand for. It's like a promise to future generations that they'll have the support they need when it's time to retire.

For 88 years, the government has kept its word – if you pay into Social Security, you get something back when you retire. President Biden calls it a "sacred trust," and it's Congress's job to keep that trust alive. That's where the Social Security 2100 Act, championed by Rep. Larson, comes in.

So, what's in it? A bunch of good stuff! There's a 2% bump in benefits across the board for all Social Security peeps – the first time in over 50 years! Plus, they're fixing up how benefits increase with the cost of living, so it's a real reflection of what our seniors are dealing with.

The Act looks out for low-income seniors and those who've lost their better half, giving them a boost they truly deserve. It's got provisions for kids, students, caregivers, and folks with disabilities – making sure everyone's got a fair shot at a secure future.

How's it all going to get paid for? Simple: the wealthy chip in a bit more. Earnings over $400,000 will be taxed, and those making big bucks on investments will also pitch in. It's about fairness and making sure everyone contributes their share.

Our CSEA Union Hall event was more than a party – it was a rally cry. We're saying loud and clear that Social Security matters, and the Social Security 2100 Act is a step in the right direction. As we move forward, let's stand strong together, supporting a future where retirement doesn't mean insecurity, but a time of life that we can look forward to with confidence.

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