Phone: 860-951-6614
CSEA SEIU Local 2001
P-3B Council
Updated On: Jul 15, 2024

A Note From P-3B President Jennifer Corti:


Hello P3B members!

I am Jennifer Corti, your P3B President. For those of you who do not recognize my name, I am a State School Teacher in the Department of Correction (DOC). I have been employed by DOC and an active P3B member for 17 years. I have been a steward for 6 years, P3B Treasurer and now your P3B President. I have demonstrated leadership throughout my career in DOC and time in P3B. I am confident that many employees in DOC would substantiate my leadership and good work in both DOC and the Union. I work until the job is done and my reputation speaks for itself. The same will apply to my role as President. 

Thank you for visiting our website. Hopefully, as you explore our pages, you find our website to be an informative outlet for contract benefits, important contract language and updates. Many links on our pages bring you to the State of Connecticut’s website where the most up-to-date procedures and forms can be found. As you receive email updates from your agencies on reimbursement and contacts, save that email just in case the State’s website is lagging in updates. If you find a process or contact has changed, please let your local steward, Union representative (Joanna James) or a member of the leadership team know.

As we move forward through the next few years and enter into contract negotiations and potential SEBAC changes, we promise to only make our council better, honoring our contract, your involvement and union dues. 

Our council is made up of educators and educational professionals from 

  • Department of Aging and Disability Services (ADS) which includes 

    • Disability Determination Services (DDS)

    • Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB)

    • Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS)

  • Department of Children and Families (DCF)

  • Department of Correction (DOC)

  • Department of Developmental Services (DDS)

  • Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS)

Our leadership team has a lot of experience that makes our council stronger. We have:

  • represented P3B in contract negotiations

  • worked with the State’s management to ensure contract benefits were being executed and held management accountable to timelines

  • spearheaded member communication

  • created proposals and events that honor and recognize our members

  • onboarded new groups of employees to our council and ensured management was educated about our contract when establishing job responsibilities and duties

  • regularly participate in labor management meetings

Let me say, there is no “I” in this council. We are P3B - Connecticut’s Educational Professionals and we are only stronger when we, as a team and group, collaborate and work together to represent and protect our contract. This collaboration is what makes collective bargaining so strong and helps ensure our benefits, wages, and retirement only get better with time. Each of our agencies will be represented in our leadership group and each agency’s opinions and thoughts matter.  

We know that contract negotiations are right around the corner. We need a contract that helps address our recruitment and retention issues, as well as a contract that recognizes how valuable and indispensable you and every other employee of P3B is to the State of Connecticut. 

Moving forward, our goal is to increase member engagement. Remember, you are why we have this council and your involvement matters! We want to create an environment where members want to get involved and also feel comfortable letting us know about any issues. As you access these pages, you are already increasing your engagement, learning about your Union and contract benefits. With your engagement, we only get stronger through unity and solidarity. 

Most importantly, we recognize that your time is valuable. Outside of work we have our family, pets, friends, hobbies and obligations. We want you all to be provided with the information you need in a timely manner so you can enjoy your time outside of work. 

More Information:
Healthcare Policy Forms
Inclement Weather
License Reimbursement
Sick Leave Bank
Tuition Reimbursement
Other Benefits
Workshop/Conference Reimbursement
Contact Info

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