Telework |
In January 2022, we won the statewide telework agreement. Together, we demonstrated, telework is a win-win benefit that maximizes productivity and provides the flexibility that workers’ need in the 21st century. The following bargaining units are covered by this Agreement: NP-2, NP-3, NP-5, NP-6, P- 1, P-2, P-3A, P-3B, P-4, P-5, P-6, P-7, P-8, and AFSCME Local 1588-covered Employees in the Office of Higher Education. However, those covered by the hazardous duty pension plan do not qualify for telework. An employee may request telework schedules of any amount the individual believes to be consistent with job duties and operational needs. Telework can be routine or situational and should mirror the schedule similar to the employee’s existing schedule. To apply, complete the Telework Application Request Form using the State’s Semi-Annual Telework Application Request Form Effective for Telework. If your application was partially or completely denied (and was for 80% or less telework), and you believe the denial to be unreasonable, you have a right to appeal. Complete the SEBAC Telework Denial Request Form.