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CSEA SEIU Local 2001
Council 400 Blog Dec 17, 2023
Important Update: Protecting Our Pensions and Healthcare in 2027
by Drew Stoner

Dear CSEA Council 400 Members,

I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. As we approach the critical negotiations of 2027, I want to update you on our ongoing efforts to safeguard our hard-earned benefits – pensions and healthcare.

Our Union's Strength:

It's with great pride I share that our union is at its strongest in years, now boasting well over 12,000 dues-paying members. This remarkable growth is a testament to our collective resolve and unity. It enhances our ability to advocate effectively for our rights and benefits.

Our Unwavering Commitment:

CSEA has always stood firm in the commitment to protect the pensions and healthcare benefits that you, our valued members, have earned through your dedicated service. As we face new challenges and opportunities in the upcoming negotiations, this commitment remains steadfast.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Pension Security: Ensuring the sustainability and fairness of our pension system is paramount. We are actively working toward solutions that maintain the strength of our pension fund while ensuring it continues to serve the needs of all members, both current and future retirees.

  • Healthcare Benefits: Affordable, quality healthcare is a priority for us. We are dedicated to maintaining the excellent healthcare benefits that we have successfully negotiated with the State, ensuring they remain accessible and comprehensive.

  • Medicare Reimbursement: We fully understand the significance of maintaining the reimbursement for Medicare Part B, along with other related Medicare expenses, for our retirees and their spouses. This benefit is a key priority for us, and we are dedicated to vigorously advocating for its continuation.

  • Negotiation Strategy: We are developing a robust strategy to advocate for our interests effectively. This includes gathering insights from you, our members, to understand your concerns and priorities fully.

Your Voice Matters:

Your input is invaluable in shaping our approach. We encourage you to participate in upcoming surveys and Chapter meetings where you can voice your opinions and concerns. Remember, our strength lies in our unity and collective voice.

Stay Informed:

We will continue to provide regular updates as negotiations progress. Stay tuned for emails, articles in CSEA News, and meeting announcements to keep abreast of all developments.

Support and Solidarity:

In these times, supporting each other is more important than ever. We urge you to stay connected with your fellow members and support our collective cause.

As we move forward, remember that our goal is to secure a fair and equitable outcome that honors your service and dedication. We are in this together, and together, we will strive for the best possible result from the 2027 negotiations.

Thank you for your continued support and solidarity.

Mike O'Brien
Council 400 President

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